or kerygmafamily:
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
fly, fly, fly... the flying pig
had dinner at flying pig, eastwood last weekend. thanks, dreffy!
also had hazel nut gelato with romz and ate malou. thanks, you guys, for giving in to my whim... and no... its not the gelato...
sorry, uninspired by recent events...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
frozen delight!
went with a friend over at the white hat, greenbelt5. its a frozen yoghurt shop located inside timezone.
i wasn't sure whether i am up for it as i rarely eat yoghurt (its psychological, i think healthy stuffs taste bad... hahaha... so not true, of course...) but they gave us free samples... that's a very good marketing strategy when you're products are actually... well... (for a lack of better term) very good! hahaha...
i was convinced and so i got a regular-sized plain yoghurt (you can opt for strawberry yoghurt) with 2 toppings (85php plus 35php for 2 toppings): mangoes and mandarin oranges. yummy! other toppings are available including but not limited to blueberries, strawberries, cherries, cranberries, peaches, sliced almonds, marshmallows, sprinkles, white chocolate chip, and oreos.
just a warning if you plan to go there, they have a well-stocked magazine rack so make sure you balance the reading and the eating if you want your yoghurt frozen. enjoy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
color me happy
art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness
it trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind
as the sun colors flowers, so does art color life - John Lubbock
happiness is described differently by different people. As for me, happiness can be described as mcdonald's twister fries, ineng's pork bbq, cold rock's double chocolate with cookie dough mixed-in ice cream, classic confection's chocolate cake, fibisco's chocolate mallows, ghirardelli chocolates... and the list goes on and on...
quite recently though, i found happiness from non-edible things as well when i finally got my barenatural's eco brush set (Php 828.00 - powder brush, eye shader brush, concealer brush, kabuki)...
which came with free barenaturals mineral make-up samples (golden neutral foundi stay, pizzaz and french kiss blush, and splash eye shadow) and emu oil skin perfecting soap
and ellana minerals free samples (hazel nut and caramel latte premium foundation, espresso con panna finishing powder, bliss blush)
(for ellana mineral free samples just fill up the information sheet from their website then pay 50 pesos for the shipping fee)
i'm so excited to try these... and color myself happy... if i ever learn how to use these, that is! hahaha...
Monday, September 7, 2009
God,grant me the serenity
to accept the things i cannot change
courage to change the things i can
and wisdom to know the difference...
lately, i've been putting off too important things, too much...
its time for change...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
friends and foodie!
its always nice to see a friend you haven't seen for such a long time but it gets even better if you are treated to a free dinner... thanks, aris!
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