went with a friend over at the white hat, greenbelt5. its a frozen yoghurt shop located inside timezone.
i wasn't sure whether i am up for it as i rarely eat yoghurt (its psychological, i think healthy stuffs taste bad... hahaha... so not true, of course...) but they gave us free samples... that's a very good marketing strategy when you're products are actually... well... (for a lack of better term) very good! hahaha...
i was convinced and so i got a regular-sized plain yoghurt (you can opt for strawberry yoghurt) with 2 toppings (85php plus 35php for 2 toppings): mangoes and mandarin oranges. yummy! other toppings are available including but not limited to blueberries, strawberries, cherries, cranberries, peaches, sliced almonds, marshmallows, sprinkles, white chocolate chip, and oreos.
just a warning if you plan to go there, they have a well-stocked magazine rack so make sure you balance the reading and the eating if you want your yoghurt frozen. enjoy!

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